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Professional Program Policies

These policies are in place to prevent conflict of interest for students, families, and staff, and to maintain the commitment level and quality of our training programs and studio as a whole. 


Professional Program students must not take ballet at another studio or organization during the regular dance season, including but not limited to participating in exams, competitions, or festivals in any ballet genres involving both groups and/or solos both locally and off-coast. Attendance of specific workshop classes, spring break and summer intensive programs, are permitted and encouraged during free weekends or dates when our seasonal training has paused. 



Students may take classes in other genres of dance that we do not offer at another studio only if there is absolutely zero impact on the attendance of our classes and rehearsals including during exam, competition, festival, and performance seasons and especially when we require additionally scheduled hours outside of regular class times. Their Waldorf Ballet attendance must take priority at all times. Multiple unexcused or invalid absences will result in removal from the program.



Students may not participate in more than one Nutcracker. If they commit to Waldorf Ballet’s they must not also be performing in the Sunshine Coast Nutcracker or any Vancouver school or company Nutcracker in that same year. If they are opting out of our Nutcracker this decision must be communicated in writing by email to the school before casting is released each June.



We request that all dancers and families committing to events such as Nutcracker, RAD exams, and festivals, take into account that family holidays should be kept to seasonal breaks (ie winter or spring break) to ensure the least amount of disruption to the individual dancer and group preparation. If you must be away with your dancer at a time that will interrupt class work, rehearsals, or in the weeks immediately preceding an event, please inform us immediately. Please note that your dancer may not be permitted to perform their exam, performance, or festival if the disruption is deemed too significant to their preparation by their Instructor and Artistic Director. Event & festival fees are non-refundable once registered. 



Dancers will uphold a kind and respectful attitude within our studios as well as outside the studios in their day to day life. Our students are a representation and reflection of our studio and their behaviour matters whether they are in uniform or not, at every class, event, and performance they attend. This extends to their online presence and social media. If after a formal warning there are still repeated incidents of misbehaviour or conflict, in-person or online, the student(s) involved may be put on probation or removed from our programming. 



The use of cell phones by students is strictly prohibited inside the building. Students must put their phones away and out of sight immediately upon arrival to the studio building. They are only permitted to retrieve them to contact a parent, and only with permission from an instructor. If a student is caught with a phone out that they did not have permission to use it will be confiscated until the end of class or rehearsal. 


Get in Touch

Dancers and families will be asked to accept and abide by these policies at the time of registration.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to email us at

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Artistic Director, Johanna Waldorf, ARAD, RAD RTS

5590 Wharf Ave, Sechelt, BC  |  604-741-8978  |  


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